Riceviamo da Laura Quagliuolo del Cisda onlus (coordinamento italiano di sostegno alle donne afghane) e pubblichiamo l’invito a sottoscrivere un appello per la candidatura di Malalai Joya al premio Sakharov.

L’europarlamentare {{Vittorio Agnoletto}} ha candidato {{Malalai Joya}} per il prestigioso premio Sakharov dell’Unione Europea. Per sostenere la sua candidatura Vittorio Agnoletto chiede di {{sottoscrivere la lettera}} che allego sia come singoli sia come associazioni o istituzioni. La lettera firmata (e intestata, in caso di associazioni o istituzioni) andrebbe inviata direttamente a Vittorio Agnoletto, all’indirizzo vittorioagnoletto@ tiscali.it {{entro una settimana}}.

{{Il premio è davvero importante e darebbe a Malalai un ulteriore aiuto per far sentire la sua voce e il suo peso all’interno del suo paese e a livello internazionale, oltre a darle maggiore protezione per la sua incolumità}}. Per queste ragioni vi chiediamo di firmare e far firmare questo appello.

{{Honourable Members of European Parliament,}}

We came to know that Malalai Joya – the young afghan parliamentary who since long time is risking her life for her commitment in defence of human rights and of freedom of expression and information, before against taliban and now
against warlords – is one of the candidate, amongst other praiseworthy defenders of human rights, to the prestigious Sakharov Award, promoted by European Union.

Since many years, as organizations and individuals, we support the activities and the courage lavished by Malalai Joya.

Afghan people in the last years hoped in tangible signs that would foresee a better future, both on the side of democratic rights and on the side of reconstruction of their country; unfortunately many of those expectation were disappointed.

Malalai Joya represents a hope of redemption for her country; this is why the conferring of Sakharov Award could be, not only for her but for all afghan people, of which she’s a beloved representative, a tangible sign of the will of our Counties to support a democratic process and show the will of rebuilding Afghanistan. Also, such award could represent a protection for the integrity of Malalai Joya’s life, who, by now, escaped several attacks and attempts to her life, and in more than one occasion was forced to hide, even escaping outside her country, in order to protect herself.

The conferring of Sakharov Award to Malalai Joya in this moment could really be crucial in order to allow democratic and healthy forces of afghan civil society to undertake an important role in the history of their country and to become trustworthy interlocutors at international and international level.

For all those reasons we ask you to support the candidature of Malalai Joya.

We thank you for your attention.

Best wishes